After a long long long period of abstinence from the ward, finally finally, medicine posting is back. More vigorous, more drilling and certainly, more work.
We started of with postings in Muar Hospital first, which is around 1hour away from Melaka. Needless to say, I have to wake up at 6am in order to catch the bus which leaves at 7am SHARP.
I was quite enthusiastic at first. After a short briefing and allocation of beds, we started of with history taking. Yay, I was quite surprise with my improvement in BM hoho. At least I did the whole conversation by myself (although I didn't understand the meaning of SEMPUT at first). Then I realised my sweat was actually dripping on the sheets. Wards without AC. FINE.
Case discussion went well. At least we get to sit comfortably on chairs and appreciate the presence of a thing called FAN. On top of it, my feet was hurting. Ankles and toes. Images of blisters and bleeding circulating in my mind. A new pair which hurts. GREAT.
Here is the worst part of it. Afternoon in the wards. Wardwork. Wardwork. No work to do. Reclerked cases. Walked around with the plastered ankles. And finally observed a pleural tap. A spectacular one. What a skillful procedure to be mastered. I'm impressed hmm. But didn't get to finish watching the only procedure of the day. The bus is leaving soon. PERFECT.
Summary of the day. I know I complain a lot, but I'm kinda grateful that no big blunders happened today, unlike any other first day of posting. Hehe. I need to re-read my clinical methods. And complications of Diabetes Mellitus for today. OK.
By the way, my ophthal end posting was not bad. Although my anterior segment examination was here and there, I'm still happy with my posterior segment examination. I diagnosed a Retinitis Pigmentosa OMG. First ever case in my life. Hoho.

OSCE in the afternoon was extraordinarily tough. Wish me luck.