Recently the word "Manipal" kept appearing in our conversations, either out of no where, or as a comparison with what we are facing right now.
Yea I guess somehow we've to admit that we are actually missing that place, regardless how much of disapproval that we are getting from those around us, about India.
Then I realised I'd never actually posted anything about the place where I spent my last 2.5 years before. Totally forgotten? Or just pure element of laze.
After lots and lots of gathering and farewells, finally I'm on my way there. With very much of insecurity, we reached the place, got scared by the old Bangalore airport, and the very skillful bus driver. Not much of cultural shock though. And obviously I'm not gonna post up each and every single detail about this 2.5 years, therefore, here are my picks, I present to you, the glamourous moments in Manipal.
I moved into the non AC twin sharing room at first, then decided to move into the luxurious AC single room. Luxurious, and I mean it. Don't ask me why, because you already know why. Food is quite Malaysian, or rather Western, because surprisingly there are A LOT of Americans studying there. OK since I've already decided not to talk about the negative stuffs here, hmm so, there is nothing else to talk about the place. -out-

Non AC twin sharing

Luxury Luxury :)

Administration building + Library

Food court
YES. The main purpose right? We started off with Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry. To be precise, we started off with dissection session, in the dissection hall, marvelous experience, and smell. We were just discussing about the toughest year so far and I've to agree that I did face real tough moments during first year. Uncountable sleepless nights, squatting outside the library helplessly the night before Physiology with an empty brain, sleeping with bone sets on the bed (I mean real bones) , and used up 5 million of neurones memorising pathways and cycles for Biochem. Sweat and tears, all in first year.
Grey's Anatomy :)

Last day of dissection
Lab sessions
Second year subjects are the remainings : Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology and Forensic Medicine. Hmm..rather uneventful. Because they were much easier comparatively. The most dramatic event was the exposure to autopsies perhaps. It just struck me that I actually went fot 2 distinction vivas altogether, although the outcome was kinda expected, I can't deny the amount of deterioration I'm facing right now. Blame to be put on 3rd year, of course. Haha. Most eventful one however. I'm gonna put it under a different section.
-Gosh I don't even have any pictures to post-
THIRD YEAROf course here I'm only referring to the first half of 3rd year, in Manipal.
Examless year. Clinical postings. It was like having holiday!! Traveling, dieting, sports,cooking, house shifting etc etc. I miss those days. Really. And of course, learning the language! Haha. We were soo exposed to the Indian culture during this period. Including Indian food. Thali, parota, dosa and fried bananas LOL.
Oh did I mention about the quality of air in India? Yea. It was really bad. I had to spent a night in the hospital because of the profusely bleeding nose. The second time was due to a road traffic accident. YES I was hit by a vehicle called AUTO. DENG. Had to carry a cast around my left arm for 2 weeks. And the swelling stayed until now. I think it's better to consult a specialist during my orthopedics posting. Hehek.
To be continue...