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The lala side of LSY
Wednesday, 22 July 2009

I've been wanting to colour my toes blue for months already.

Ask those who went out with me for shopping those few months. Including my mum. LOL

OK. Here it is.

Cool isn't it? I DO NOT like it by the way. Am gonna remove it tomorrow. Cut my nails. Restart.

Xie xie. My toes are cyanosed I look like I need an urgent heart transplant.

SZE YIN posted at 10:35 pm | 3 whispers

Saturday, 18 July 2009

从藤井树到人间四月天, 足足花了我一个早上, 还有半个下午. 该做的依然没做, 倒是把自己的心情搞了个180度大转变.

子云兄的博客里提及徐志摩的故事, 好多好多的回亿又涌上心头. 真的真的.

还记得曾经我也有那么一段日子为人间四月天这部剧深深着迷. 只是那个时候我才是个初中生, 最在意的也只不过是要怎么骗妈妈让我出去玩, 最煽情的也只是谁谁暗恋隔壁班的那个小白脸.

所以可想而知, 这戏吸引我的地方, 只有那美仑美奂的英国, 还有穿梭不同年代的拍摄手法. 当然还少不了四位演员. 至今我依然认为黄磊=徐志摩, 这当然是很重要的一点, 因为我并没有认为梁朝伟=周瑜.

到了今天, 这段故事还是那么的凄美, 即使已经过了好久好久. 我努力的回忆起一些片段, 重组了一下, 才发现, 我当时真的漏了好多的情节. 故事大概是描写诗人徐志摩和三个女人的故事, 分别是张幼仪, 林徽因和陆小曼. 很多人说张幼仪是责任, 林徽因是真爱, 陆小曼是寄托, 也有人说他只爱过两个女人, 因为他并没有爱过张幼仪. 第二个说法我并不太赞同, 因为他确确实实让她怀过两个小孩, 只是比较不能原谅的是, 他竟然在英国和林徽因相恋的同时让张幼仪怀上第二胎. 尽管后来林徽因的儿子出来澄清说他母亲不曾与徐志摩相恋. 其实这样的才子要是在现代, 又何止只有三个女人, 还不是都口口声声说恋爱是灵感的泉源.

相信大家对徐志摩的认识, 一定是从他那句 "悄悄的我走了, 正如我悄悄的来;我挥一挥衣袖, 不带走一片云彩" (自[再别康桥]). 不过他令我最深刻的一句话, 却是在他决定与张幼仪离婚后说的 :
"我將在茫茫人海中尋訪我唯一之靈魂伴侶,得之,我幸;不得,我命". 他指的到底是不是林徽因没人知道, 因为她最终选择了梁思成. 而后来徐也遇上了陆小曼, 是舞伴? 是真爱? 抑或真的只是寄托? 这已经不重要了. 因为他到最后是为了去看林徽因的讲座而坠机身亡的.

写到了这里, 我突然有所领悟. 爱情里并没有输赢, 也没有赌注. 把青春拿来当赌注的女人, 即使赢了, 也不过是下半辈子的寄托而已. 幸福, 不要在乎谁赢谁输, 只要珍惜共同享受人间烟火的日子, 就是毫无遗憾了. 我悄悄的告诉自己. 所以, 徐志摩是曾经爱过她们的, 只有这样荡气回肠的故事才能成就他对今日新诗文学的贡献. 我不是林徽因, 也没有她的才气, 但是无疑的她是我最爱的角色, 不是因为周迅, 而是因为敢爱敢恨的角色总是比较讨好的; 我不是林徽因, 所以我不懂她为何没选择徐志摩; 我不是林徽因, 但我期待着.

好想重看这部剧, 有时间的话. 看来我又要沉浸好久好久了.

p/s : 子云兄的外公刚去世, 希望他节哀顺变. 也期待新作品.

SZE YIN posted at 2:35 pm | 0 whispers

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Two more months.

This one does mean something to me.

SZE YIN posted at 10:45 pm | 2 whispers

Birthday girl
Back from a long long weekend. Feel like crying. As usual. Nah..I need to grow up.
I owe someone a post. A very very old friend. So,
Happy Birthday to you Teo Chian Li!!
I swear I wanted to post about this even before you commented on the previous one hahaha. You memang ganjong.
Anyway, wah..We knew each other since like, std one? 16 years!! Dear dear dear friend, I'm glad that we are still close like last time. I mean, like 16 years ago. Although we are dealing with completely different stuffs right now, eg. career, friends and colleagues, but we still behave like when we were small whenever there is an outing together. Laughing at the most random stuff in the world, commenting on people and of course, verbally abusing Kath LOL.
Ughh now I started missing Ei-Leen. Even unbelievable things happened OMG I don't wanna recall haha.
So, I hope you enjoyed the "surprise" birthday party. And my gift :)
Love you, always.
Oh and cheong k this week. After my nasty flu finally leaving me alone. I hope.

p/s : Nic says happy birthday.

SZE YIN posted at 10:16 pm | 5 whispers

For the sake of updating
Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Medicine is finally finally over. I know I've learnt tonnes over there. Be it in Muar or Melaka.
Oh just in case you wanna know. My short case for EOP was a CNS case. Lucky or unlucky? It depends. Despite being the toughest of all, lecturers are generally lineant because we seldom practice that in wards and I don't even have enough of strength to carry my patient's leg to check for his power lol. And OSPE was really...I'm speechless.
I'm so gonna miss medicine posting. Who doesn't anyway if the next one is surgery?

In fact, the briefing on thursday itself sounded really hectic, taking into consideration that I wasn't even paying attention throughout (busy copying my clerkship diary). And and and, worst of all, my night postings will be on week8 DAMN IT! Meaning: regular postings + night postings + end of posting + semester exam + medical student conference.

Ok enough of complaining before someone ask me to shut up again. But I'm SICK. So...hehe. Patience is a virtue ok? (By the way I'm feeling much better now because I get to eat :S)
More updates later I feel like getting a haircut now. Because I'm SICK. or whatever.
And get a blue nail colour. The urge of colouring my toe nails blue is progressively getting stronger, since a month ago for goodness sake.


Although very much belated, I'm sure you are NICE enough to accept my sooo sincere wishes.
All the best and hope you enjoy life as much as I do. HAHA.
See you in Muar next week. I'm a reservoir by the way. Make sure you and your fellow colleagues are all immuned HOHOHO.

SZE YIN posted at 1:03 pm | 2 whispers

Thursday, 2 July 2009

I'm totally hopeless at setting goals and resolutions.

1. Rule of the game, IGNORE all distractions.

2. Finish up two cases by tonight. URGENT.

3. Fill up MMA form and e-mail them by tomorrow evening.

4. Prepare schemes for examination of all systems.

5. Be polite to patients tomorrow because you are practising your skills on them.


7. Read up read up.

8. Reduce sleeping hours. Drastically. (But I'm having a frontal headache now I need a power nap)

Not-so-important issues:

9. Call Taiwan DENG.

10. Fill up clerkship diary while chatting online or on the phone =)

11. Please decide between C510 and G705. Which means, cyber shot or wi-fi.

Be the judge and make sure all of the above are fulfilled. Xie xie.

Some random stuffs/complaints:

1. I super zhong isolate this whole week. Movies and Eason Chan concert wor. YER.

2. Chew Mun Yew you hau hau seng seng told me you won't be going back this weekend de!!

3. Groupmates having fever. Sei foh.

4. Bunking class tomorrow.

5. "Sing along song" is quite nice hmm.

SZE YIN posted at 6:46 pm | 3 whispers