Wow it's been a month huh? *cough cough* my blog is dusty already.
Finally finally, I'm back again. Although not much of inspiration lately, I'll still post something. As promised. And try my level best to make sure no one dozes off after visiting my blog. If u did, pls tell me, I'm so gonna charge you for the free dose of sedative.
Surgery posting is coming to an end. I can't believe this. Or rather choose not to believe it. Do not get me wrong. I don't have any special affinity towards this specialty, it's merely because I simply don't think that I'm ready for the coming challenges in next semester, the fourth year competency exam people! My two major postings are over and I still don't know nuts about anything. I don't even know how to calculate the amount of IV fluids to pump into my patient's cannula for goodness sake. And before I realised, my end posting is over. Night mare it was. Certainly. The insecure feeling is running down my spine right now. I'm traumatised. I should have studied more. OK. My fault. I still enjoy the posting anyway. And we are following the hospital staffs and surgeons for the next two weeks. Plus night posting. I hope it turns out fine. And reignite my passion for surgery. Even though I have the habit of being EXTRA passionate with every posting and decided to specialise on them whenever I changed departments. Don't get me wrong. I still love psychiatry ok. If you follow my very previous post. Especially now that I'm watching this new drama about psychiatrist, and apparently it isn't THAT new it seems. Im out-dated. Admit it.
In a totally unrelated event, I haven't been back home for two weeks already. Really looking forward to go back this merdeka weekend. Since I'm a very patriotic person, I'm gonna celebrate this big event heartily. Party hard. Obviously. Any invitations pls make appointment earlier. Hehe. I forgot. I need to meet up with Gabriel. Hope he doesn't read my blog. And seriously plan for ktv this time around. She does read my blog.
I'm having a severe deficiency on inspirations. Looking for donors. Urgent. To prevent mismatched transfusion, do drop me some comments so that the anaphylactic shock won't be fatal. Damn. I need to stop using medical terms all the time. I have different description on the abrevations AGE, PDA, CCB, CBD, CRF and CCF. First you need to tell me what are yours first *wink*
Currently thinking about:
1. Surgery semester exam
2. Medical student conference
3. What to wear on monday
4. What to eat for lunch tomorrow
5. Taiwan trip
6. Untagging photos on someone's fb *snob*
7. Hope he doesn't call me 3am in the morning. I was just joking. Really.
8. I kept my promise. What do I get in return. Hoho.